Alright, so lets get started! I found that my #2 injector was leaking. Because this is a 1985 SVO, it has the biggest pain in the ass intake ever devised by man. Since I was gonna have to remove it for the fuel rail to come off anyways, I decided that I should order a square style intake. $49.00 and a week later, my square-style arrived via Ebay. Ok, man, now we're rolling! Break out the dremel and extension and port-match this thing. Gosh, this "go fast" shit aint that hard.

I also decided that I wanted to do the LA3 swap. A good guy from hooked me up with a 86 TC valve cover, fuel rail and 35# injectors. Well, the fuel rail was good to go but it was a tad rusty. Some sanding, primer and gloss black paint later and voila, good as new. The injectors were shit. they were rusted and corroded. Needless to say I tossed them in favor of a set of brown tops I snagged from a Merkur XR4ti in a local yard. Ok, I put some oil on this O-ring, this O-ring... slide the injectors into my new lower intake... good to go! Also, I picked up the LA3 for $70 from a local yard.

The valve cover was a bitch. I ended up deciding I wanted the valve cover polished; so after sanding and sanding and polishing, it looks halfways decent. Have you ever tried to put a valve cover on with a stupid ass cork gasket? It is by far one of the most frustrating things I have ever done. The valve cover had been put on and taken off twice by the time I got everything straight. I'll get a rubber gasket next time, I ain't putting up with that shit again.

OK, is everything ready to go? The lower intake should come off in about 30 minutes right? WRONG. I had to remove the alternator to get to the lower left side bolt. The lower right hand and upper right hand bolts took about 10-15 minutes a piece to remove. So, an hour and a half later, I broke the lower intake loose and took it out of the car. Oh, did I mention that you should drain about 2 quarts of coolant before you try this? Well, I learned the hard way. Add 10 more minutes to hosing the grass down to keep the cats away. lets put the new lower intake back on there. Lord it went on a hell of alot faster than it came off. the narrower design of the intake gave me a ton of room to maneuver. Heck, in spaces that tight an inch feels like a square foot. I could actually get more than a 1/4 turn on those right side bolts! WOW! Wanna hear about the fastest way to waste $30? lets go to the next page...

Go here!! ACT SENSORS SUCK. Yes! Here!!!